Potash Mobilizing Bacteria (KMB)

Potash Mobilizing Bacteria (KMB) release insoluble potash present in soil. It secretes various enzymes which mobilize immobilizing form of potash to mobilizing form. It helps plant to provide one of the major nutrients in available form to be utilized by plant for better growth, quality and higher yield. PMB can mobilize potash to the plant about 30-50kg/ha and saves up to 25-30% cost of chemical fertilizer.

  • Composition: Bacterial Content: 1.5 %
    Final to make 100 % with Q.S
  • Bacteria: Frateuria aurentia
  • Benefitted Crops: For all crops.
  • Dosage: 250ml / Acre for soil application or drenching
  • Count: 2×1010 CFU/ml
  • Packing : 250 ml
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kisan potash rich kmb